Google Classroom

As a way of connecting with students, I have created a Google Classroom.  Students are being asked to join Ms. Shearer-Griffith's Classroom as we continue through distance learning.  
There are two Google Classrooms, one for Math (2nd Grade Math) and one for ELA-English Language Arts (2nd Grade ELA).
The Classrooms use your G-suite login:
Email/Username: [email protected]
Password: hellogooglestudent
The 99xxxxxx portion of the username should be substituted with your child's unique student ID number (their 99#). If they cannot remember their number, please contact me and I can send it to you privately. Once you log in, you will be prompted to change your password. Please set the password to student1, so that it is consistent with our building format.
Please visit these links for more information:
Please sign in and join the two classrooms.
Then remember to check for posted assignments regularly.
Thank you for your assistance in the continuation of the learning of your children!